Wednesday 19 September 2018

Waria soccer team receives new uniforms


A local soccer club from Ono in Waria is proud recipient of a new set of soccer uniforms, thanks to PNG Cocoa Board chief executive officer Boto Gaupu.

PNG Cocoa Board CEO Boto Gaupu (left) with the GPA Victims soccer team and their new uniforms.~Picture by SAMPSON BONAI

The GPA Victims soccer team participated in the Unity Cup Waria Valley Independence Soccer Tourmament being held in Garaina from Sept 10-19.

 It bowed out of the finals.

"I'm presenting the new soccer uniforms to the team to be used in the next soccer tournament in 2019," Gaupu said.

"This is as a token of appreciation for participating in the Unity Cup Independence soccer tournament this year."

Team manager Yamup Sako thanked Gaupu for the new uniforms.

"I thank Gaupu on behalf of GPA Victims for the new set of uniforms," he said.

"We will look after the uniforms and use themin the Waria Valley Unity Cup in 2019.

"I'm confident we will do better next year.

"The new uniforms have boosted the morale of players to prepare well for next year's tournament.

"We will return back to our village at Ono after witnessing the grand final."

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